Mobile Home Park Consulting

Mobile Home Park Consulting


CCI Investments, LLC:
Nationwide Mobile Home Park Consulting


Just like any other journey into uncharted territory, before you venture into the Mobile Home Park (MHP)-business, you should have a seasoned guide to show you the best routes, and to avoid danger. Our Mobile Home Park Consulting services bring with them many years and literally hundreds of MHPs worth of experience and expertise. We also have the Systems, the People and the Resources in place that it takes to run nearly 100 parks nationwide, which gives you that economy of scale even though you may only own one park.

The lessons that we have learned in our 10+ years of doing MHPs almost exclusively, and the mistakes we’ve made along the way that you won’t have to, is valuable knowledge that is available to you right now. You don’t have to start on your own and learn the hard way, you don’t have to lose a bunch of money figuring out what doesn’t work. If it has anything to do with MHPs, we’ve already been there, done that, and learned what we needed to from it to constantly improve and refine our systems.

Mobile Home Park Consulting


If you own a MHP now, if you’re buying or selling a MHP, or even thinking of buying or selling one then yes, you probably should talk to a specialist in the field. Most people start with a traditional realtor, who may sell houses for a living.

Even commercial brokers will often work with many different types of commercial property (ie: apartments, strip malls, self-storage, triple-nets, etc.) and have little or no actual experience with MHPs. And of course, few realtors are going to stay on, after they’ve gotten their commission check. They’re not likely to help you find and train a new manager, or evict some problem-tenants, or get some vacant units fixed up and rented. That’s what we do, over and over on dozens of MHPs a year, that and much more.

Mobile Home Park Consulting


Most traditional Property Management companies won’t do this higher-level of Operations. And few would even know how to turn a MHP around to increase it’s Net Operation Income (NOI), it’s CASH FLOW and it’s VALUE. We have a proven formula for doing just that, that has worked on literally hundreds of parks over the years, and that we’re using right now on MHPs all over the country. The full range of services, basically anything and everything to do with the Operations of your MHP, that CCI Investment’s MHP Consulting goes well beyond what most Property Managers do.

Mobile Home Park Consulting


CCI’s MHP Consulting specialize in nationwide Mobile Home Park Consulting, helping Mobile Home Park Owners, Buyers and Sellers with:
* Due Diligence
* MHP Financing
* MHP Management & Operations
* Hiring, training & supervising staff
* Rent Collections & Deposits
* Paying the Bills & Reducing Expenses
* Keeping reliable, accurate books
* Systematizing every aspect of Operations
* Filling vacancies
* Increasing Gross Income
* Increasing Net Income
* Increasing the Value of the Property
* Preparing the Property for Sale
* We also turn-around “Problem-Parks”

Mobile Home Park Consulting


‘Operations-Dependent’ means that in the MHP business, the ‘Operations’ are literally more important than the MHP itself. A radical statement I know, but here is my reasoning: You can buy THE nicest MHP there is, perfect in every way, that makes good money now and has no problems. Then run it badly for 2 years, and it will likely start losing money, and take another 2 years to turn back around again.

Conversely, you can buy (or already own) an icky, ugly park with all the usual problems (ie: delinquencies, tenants defying the rules, deferred maintenance, bad manager, etc.), then run it exceptionally-well, and within 2 years it will likely be making money, and will have increased in value. I know, because we do it all the time.

The point is that it’s not the park that makes the money. It’s the OPERATIONS of the park that will determine your success or failure. For more information, call Robert Merchant, CCI Investments at (209) 996-4075 or email me at

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