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“One MHP can give you all the retirement income you need.” ~Andy Tallone, former VP of CCI


GOLD- A great hedge against inflation, gold will always have value, no matter what, even if paper currency fails. In fact, gold is even more valuable when it does! But, there is no leverage, no cash flow, and if you lose it, or forget where you hid it, or if it is found by someone else, it’s gone forever. 

CASH- Cash is the most liquid investment that there is. But, it gets beaten down by inflation, losing value constantly. No leverage, no cash flow. If you put it in a bank and that bank fails, you could lose your money. If you put it in your mattress and it burns in a fire, you’re done. And of course some people wonder about the long-term viability of the US Dollar as a fiat currency. 

PENSION- If you’ve been working at a career your whole life, and you’re one of the lucky few, you have a pension. Most don’t, these days. But it’s subject to inflation, and taxation, and the financial solvency of the pensioner. In fact, you may not know this, but in some cases the pensioner can recast the terms of your pension. And of course If they fail, your pension goes away. 

STOCKS- Think about it: You’re investing your hard-earned money in someone else’s company. You probably don’t know everything there is to know about that company, or the people who run it, or your stock broker, for that matter. Anything can go wrong, and often does. If the company tanks, your investment vaporizes. When Enron folded, all those billions just disappeared, including about $100,000 of my money! Meager cash flow at best, no tax benefits, little or no leverage, high risk, volatile, and no way to positively affect its value. It goes up or down, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Yet millions are investing for retirement this way. 

MUTUAL FUNDS- These are fancy stock market devices that package numerous stocks together to supposedly minimize your risk. But it’s still stock, and subject to all the weaknesses and vulnerabilities that come with them. No leverage, no tax benefits, little or no cash flow. 

BONDS- Generally low-yield (when compared to MHPs), and subject to all sorts of financial pressures, and the solvency of the bank who issued them. No leverage, no cash flow, no tax benefits. 

401K / IRA- All of these retirement plans simply defer that tax burden. They defer the tax on any income you put in to the account at the time you earn it. But they tax you when you take it out. They also put severe limitations on what you can do with your money, making it difficult (but not impossible) to invest it in real estate, or anything other than stocks. However, it is possible to invest in real estate, including MHPs with a Self-Directed IRA. Whenever we do it, we hire an expert who does nothing but Self-Directed IRAs to handle that part of it. Call me at (209) 996-4075, or email if you’d like to know more. 

DERIVATVES – These are the financial instruments that overheated the economy in 2008, and they come in every type. Finance-types package everything nowadays, including mortgages, commodities, gold and silver, you name it. Again they’re high risk, designed more to benefit the brokers who trade in them than the public who buys them. 

NOTES & MORTGAGES – If you know what you’re doing you can make decent returns by investing in Notes and Mortgages on various types of real estate. Returns can run 6% to 10% or higher, but risks can be high if they stop making the payments and you have to foreclose, especially if the collateral property is no longer worth enough to cover your note. 

RENTAL HOUSES 1-4 – This includes single family houses and condos, duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes. Five units and up is considered commercial real estate, but on 4 units or less you can still get a conventional residential loan, just like the mortgage on your house. This makes them more accessible and less intimidating to new or small investors. But the returns are low (other than on a profitable flip, which is always risky to count on), the cash flow is abysmal, and the risk is high. Think about it: with one tenant, what happens when he stops paying? In many states, it can take several months and lots of lawyer money to get back control of your property. Just one of these can eat up years of profits. 

APARTMENTS – Anything above 5 residential units is considered an apartment. But don’t consider anything smaller than about 25 units if you want to make money. The little ones are just as much trouble as the big ones, they just don’t make as much money. But, the cost of managing and maintaining a 25-unit or larger apartment complex can be quite high, eating into your cash flow. 

OTHER COMMERCIAL – There is an endless variety of types of commercial property. From small ‘strip malls’ to office buildings, to self storage to medical buildings, all can be good investment vehicles, and many are. Generally, you can expect fair returns, in the 5% to 9%-range, with little or no upside, and the risk of a bad economy causing yout tenants’ to close their businesses. 

MOBILE HOME PARKS – We have identified Mobile Home Parks as the single best investment on the market, because of their Low Risk, High Returns, Excellent Cash Flow, relative Ease of Management, and Upside potential. MHPs remained strong and consistent right through the Crash of ’08. They are Cash Flow Machines, and as such always remain attractive to investors.


If your goal is investing for retirement, then you need to make investments that will provide you with copious Cash Flow to fund your retirement, while not keeping you awake at night. Mobile Home Parks may offer the best combination of benefits. They are indeed fairly low risk in that you’ll have a larger number of tenants paying you rent, and mobile homes are difficult and expensive to move, so your tenants are more likely to pay. 

Management is easier for you, if you should choose to use our MHP Consulting Services because we’ll do it all for you. We’re currently consulting on some 90 parks, and we’ve systematized the entire process of MHP Operations. We’ll not only take the burden off of your shoulders, but (no offense) we’ll probably do a better job at it by virtue of the fact that it’s all we do, we are highly-specialized and very good at it.


In investing for retirement, what you need more than anything else, in order to retire in style, is cash flow, lots and lots of cash flow. Mobile Home Parks can offer exceptional Cash Flow, and returns of 8% to 15% or better. Some of our clients are making a 30%, and some even a 40% Cash-on-Cash Return or higher (these are the result of much time, money and our expertise to get the returns so high). They are the exception and not the rule, but it is very possible to achieve extremely high rates of return. Call me, Robert Merchant, CCI Investments at (209) 996-4075 or email



“For those of you who haven’t heard, I retired on Feb 1st, after a 45-year career in real estate. The last 18 years were focused on MHPs exclusively, as an MHP owner/investor myself, and as the VP of Marketing at CCI Investments. It’s been a good ride, but I’m glad to be retired now. As I’ve said many times, it’s all about the passive income. Without it, I’d still be working.

Many years ago, I set a retirement goal: not to stop working until I had X-amount coming in each month through passive income. For years, I worked toward that goal, saying it to myself and others, putting myself up to it, trying to make it true in my mind, in advance of the reality. Everything begins with a thought.

But life intervenes. Covid set my retirement plans back by about 2 years, mostly because I couldn’t get people to work on my renovation and improvement projects. But, I got things back on track, finished a those projects, sold a few, and bought a few more.

Today, I’m living my dreams. Lots of free time to do the things that matter most to me: My wife, my kids, my new grandson, my ranch, my classic car projects, some travel.

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MHPs made it all possible for me, I could never have retired without them. I sold my park in GA, and my last investment property in CA, carried back notes on both, exchanged into 2 new MHPs, one in AZ and one in MS, and I bought a rental property in FL. The income from the notes, the rental, and my parks, along with good ol’ Social Security give me all the money I need to live the life I’ve always dreamed of.

It really works! I’m living proof. Retiring with rental properties means I still have to remain aware of what’s going on with them, but fortunately I have CCI running them for me and they take care of most of it.

Over my last 6 years in the business, I have been training my daughter Sierra Tallone to take over my business. She is very smart, college-educated (I was not), and she knows the business very well today. In short, she does everything I have been doing for the past 18 years. And she’s good, very good. Give her a call and find out for yourself.

That’s not to say that I’m not still involved, however. Sierra and others on the CCI staff call me from time to time with questions and/or a need for my help. I am very generous with my time here, after all, it’s my daughter. Please call Sierra anytime and introduce yourself, I think you’ll be duly impressed. I certainly am.

Otherwise, I will be enjoying my retirement and I encourage you to do the same. MHPs are ‘Cash Flow Investments’, this is what they’re designed to do. And they can provide you the income that you need so you can retire also.

During your working years, you work for money. In retirement, your money works for you. Is your money working hard enough to replace your earned income? If not, you can’t retire yet. You have more to do. Let us help. Call Robert with all of your MHP questions at (209) 996-7704 or email at

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